Water Thematic Unit
The Technology Integration Planning Checklist”

Assessment of Lessons and Courses

Phase I: Determining Relative Advantage--Why Use Technology?
  • Do I have topics, curriculum objectives, or insights I have difficulty teaching? Yes
  • Are any of the above a good match for a technology-based solution? Yes
  • What is the relative advantage of the technology-based solution?
  • The advantages of using Technology are many, from its ability to simulate a situation which otherwise might seem impossible, access resources from all over the globe with a click of the mouse or the opportunity it provides students with special needs to learn and live life just like others their age, Technology literally places the world in the palm of a student’s hands. It provides an opportunity for students to create authentic and professional work and learn, navigate and explore information for themselves within a rich, multisensory environment.
  • Is the relative advantage sufficient to justify the effort and expense of using these solutions?
    Yes, most definitely. The lesson plans created in the given thematic unit primarily utilizes the Internet and all the resources used are available for free on the Internet.

Phase 2: Deciding on Objectives and Assessments--How Will I Know Students Have Learned?
  • What outcomes do I expect of students after the instruction to show me they have learned?
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge and skill through class discussions and projects created
  • What is the best way for me to assess students' learning (e.g., written tests, products)?
  • Scoring Rubrics, Teacher Observation, Student discussion and if required tests could be used.
  • Do the assessment instruments (e.g., tests, rubrics) exist or do I have to develop them?
  • For most of the activities Rubrics have been provided, but the decision to use them or develop any additional evaluation methods depends on the requirements of Instructor and students

Phase 3: Designing Integration Strategies--What Teaching Strategies Will Work Best?
  • Will the instruction be single subject or interdisciplinary? Both
  • Will students work as individuals, pairs, small or large groups, whole class, a combination? Combination
  • Should activities be directed, constructivist, or a combination of these? Combination
  • What strategies should I use to encourage female and minority student involvement?
  • Encourage and provide an opportunity for all learners to participate in the activities. Provide differentiated instruction if required and ensure that you are aware of whether all students are comfortable/ understand /follow what is being taught by communicating with students at all times.
  • Will students have enough time to learn the technologies before I begin grading?
  • An estimated time has been given for each lesson plan but this is subjective to change depending on the needs of the classroom.
  • Do I have demonstrations of equipment and the software skills student will need?
  • Yes. Tutorials have been provided for any new software skill to be learned.

Phase 4: Preparing the Instructional Environment--Are the Essential Conditions in Place to Support Technology Integration?
  • How many computers and copies of software do I need to carry out the activities?
  • It depends on the number of students, as ideally each student would require a separate computer. But this could be changed by getting students to work in groups on the required tasks.
  • How many computers and copies of software are available? N/A
  • Over what time period and for how long will technology resources be needed?
  • Throughout the duration of the unit 4 - 5weeks
  • Do I need to schedule time in a lab or media center? Yes
  • Do I need to schedule projection devices or large-screen monitors for demos? Yes
  • What other equipment, software, media, and resources will I need?
  • Microsoft Excel, but Google docs spreadsheets could also be used instead.
  • Are the uses I am planning legal according to copyright laws? Yes
  • Have I provided for students' privacy and safety? Yes
  • Have I made all necessary access provisions for students with physical disabilities? Yes
  • Am I familiar with troubleshooting procedures specific to the hardware or software? Yes
  • Have I built in time to test-run an equipment setup before the students arrive? Yes
  • Have I built in time to back up important files? Have I trained students to back up theirs? N/A
  • Do I have a backup plan if I cannot use the resources as I had planned?
  • All the activities need a computer with Internet access. It would be difficult to use the lesson plans without this.

Phase 5: Evaluating and Revising Integration Strategies--What Worked Well? What Should Be Improved?

  • Were objectives achieved? What evidence do I have to indicate success? N/A
  • Have I solicited feedback from students about how to improve activities? N/A
  • Do data and comments indicate changes are needed to improve outcomes? N/A
  • Are there other ways to arrange technology resources or activities to improve results? N/A


Taken from

The Technology Integration Planning Checklist Detail